Natural Landmarks
Kirim pesan ke Halaman ini, pelajari tentang acara yang akan datang dan banyak lagi. Even though the Eiffel Tower, the Taj Mahal, and Mount Fuji may well be the initially photos that come to mind when we image gorgeous landmarks, the truth is that there are several dazzling sights—both all-natural and man-made—right here in the United States. In one of the much more widely known incidents of graffiti on natural landmarks in Pennsylvania, paint-wielding vandals hit the Boulder Field in Hickory Run State Park in Carbon County. The Paria River in northern Arizona carved its personal smaller sized version of the Grand Canyon.
The Irvine Ranch lands include some of California’s most beautiful wilderness, and are property to hundreds of species of plants and animals, which includes raptors, mountain lions, Tecate cypress and California sycamore. Yes, Europe is more lovely, historical, and culturally diverse, but it has also been about … Continue reading >>>>